and life hacks
for current residents
Your "how-to" guide to refer to anytime!
Contact information

If you need any help or support, contact us in any of the following ways:

What you can do in emergencies:

  • Call 112 if you need medical help, the police, or in case of fire (24/7)
  • Call or text Dormitory Head Irina Morozova at +7-963-605-50-25
  • Call Dormitory Team at +7 915 350 05 34
  • Call Managing company Reception +7 916 601 08 32 (24/7)
  • Call 8 800 100 8 800 for Allianz insurance company in case of any issues with health (24/7)
  • Call +7 917 557 0095 for a Maintenance emergency (24/7)
  • Call +7 916 116 1538 for Security emergency (24/7)
Dormitory Life Hacks
Everybody needs a lifehack now and then :)

To make your life in the dorms easier, we collected a few ideas, tips, videos and even a list of our favorite cleaning products (yes!) in one place. Download the pdf file below to return to it anytime.
SkolCity App for Skolkovo residents
The SkolCity app (and website) helps current Skolkovo residents to navigate around Skolkovo. You can use this app for a number of things:

  1. Requesting a car pass to the Skolkovo territory (for your own car pass or for deliveries). Remember that Yandex and Citi mobil taxis do not require a pass
  2. Requesting maintenance
    - In case of emergency (also use cell number written on the apartment entrance door).
    - In case something should have been working properly from the beginning but it's not (water pressure, electricity cut off and etc.)
    - Please note, do not make maintenance requests asking to correct what was broken during living - this is out of the managing company zone responsibility.

Tip #1:
the SkolCity app will be available to you based on your information in your sublease contract. If you are unable to access the app, check your personal data in the sublease contract or inform the Dormitory Team about changes in your contact information.

Tip #2: the requests work in Russian and in Cyrillic letters. Feel free to use Google Translate or practice your Russian when leaving requests through the app :)
Invite a guest
If you want to host a guest in your dorm room, please send a request via the form below. You must wait for the answer before bringing your guest :)
Appliance instructions
We know you love technology, but it can be mysterious even to professionals. That's why we have instructions for various appliances you will find in your apartments.

If something doesn't work the way it should or you can't figure something out (we won't tell anyone, don't worry) - just download the instructions below and find your answers.

P.S. If it still doesn't work, contact us at or via HelpDesk.
    Cleaning schedule
    If you need to leave the dormitory
    For the weekend
    Inform us 3 days before departure by sending a notificaction via HelpDesk, so we all follow migration regulations. Don't forget to tell us your planned return day.

    For 3+ weeks
    • Inform the Dormitory team at least 2 weeks prior to your departure, as leaving for such a long time means stopping the sublease contract.
    • Inform the Migration Team 3 days before departure via Help Desk.
    • Decide if will you leave your stuff or not.
      • If you don't leave any stuff in the dorms, don't forget to take all belonging with you or use specialized storage services in Moscow
      • If you decide to keep your stuff in the dorms, then pack it, sign all boxes WITH LARGE LETTERS and leave them in a shared room in cells. WARNING: The number of cells is limited. The dormitory administration is not responsible for any items left behind.
      • If you have any stuff, that you don't need anymore: pack it separately, then throw it away or donate to charity

    Keep in mind: we don't keep the same bed for you while you are out for 3+ weeks. We'll definitely allocate you when you are back with the new booking request.

    Accommodation rules
    In Skoltech we are trying to give you as much freedom as possible for your best experience. However, we have some rules to do your accommodation comfortable and safe for everyone.

    Here is a short summary of 'don'ts' from Skoltech's Accommodation Regulations and Owner's Residents Rules.

    • Don't smoke inside apartment and buildings, and closer 15 meters to them
    • Don't violate migration rules
    • Don't damage equipment and furniture/walls
    • Don't damage or lose Amenities
    • Don't violate silence rules (no loud music or noise from 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. and from 11 p.m. till 7 a.m.)
    • Don't break accommodation rules (especially dirty/dust in room/kitchen and etc.)
    • Don't drink alcohol in apartments
    • Don't fight, affront, abuse against other students and guests, as well as Skoltech and Managing company
    • Don't keep personal things (including shoes, tires, bicycles, garbage packs, etc) in public places, close to elevators and apartments' entrances and under the main staircase, as well as on ground floors
    Since the territory of the Dormitory is believed to be Skoltech premises, violation of Skoltech internal rules might also lead to disciplinary actions.
    disciplinary actions for violations
    According to the internal rules of Skoltech, it might be a remark, a reprimand, a disciplinary Commission. In the worst case, you might be expelled based on the results of the Disciplinary Committee. Please find detailed information on the Disciplinary Committee procedure and workflow you may find in Appendix 1 of Accommodation Regulations.
      How can I make reservation?
      Please click here to reserve a spot.
      Does Skoltech provide any transfer from the airport?
      No, you will need to figure this part on your own. Here are some helpful navigation tips.
      When I can check-in or check-out?
      You can check-in from 2 p.m.
      You can check-out before 12 p.m.
      If you need early or late check-in/out, please, contact us.

      The dorm reception is open from 10 AM to 10 PM for all other questions.
      Are there any deposits for Dorm accommodation?
      No, no deposits or guarantee payments exist in Dorm.

      However, when you are checking-in you'll have to sign up a certificate of transfer (when are checking-out - certificate of return) with all furniture and supplies written in. So you are responsible for its safety and correct usage. See the document samples under 'booking documents' here.
      How can I make migration registration slip in Palisad?
      Our Migration Team will do this automatically. You need to follow the regulations and rules described here.
      How easily can I access apartment in late hours?
      There is no special entering regime established so far. However, we do recommend following the rules of well common being and common sense while returning home in the late hours in order not to disturb your neighbors. Each student would have his own key from the apartment and block (RFID key).
      Can we install any lock to sleeping room(s) door?
      No, this is strictly prohibited as believed to be the apartment damage and is subject to disciplinary actions. Moreover, this is prohibited by Fire Protection regulations [Your safety is our top priority!]
      Can I move or swap my bed with another student?
      First of all, it will be possible not earlier than in a month after check-in.

      1. You should find a person, who will swap the bed with you.
      2. All roommates should agree with such a swap.
      3. Make sure that you match the 0-1 range. It's possible only for 0-1 range students and once in 5 months [one time per semester]
      4. Inform the Dormitory Head. Only after you receive this approval you will be able to swap your beds.
      Why I can't choose my room or roommates?
      Unfortunately, we can't give you opportunity to choose your room or roommates because we have over 200 students to allocate and we can't please all your desires physically. Rules are the same for everyone.

      How could I get evicted from an apartment?
      • In case your sublease agreement expired
      • For gross violation of the rules of University or repeated minor occasions that caused disciplinary penalties
      • In case you 'lose' Skoltech Student status:
      - Graduation / 'expelling' from University [you have 3 days to leave Russia in such a case]
      - You are in academic leave
      - You are into academic mobility
      - You are in maternity/paternity leave
      What if I got sick?
      If you have a contact disease, we'll temporarily relocate you in isolation room. You should provide doctor's certificate with the specified period of the recommended isolation to Dormitory Head.

      If you are temporarily disabled, we'll try to relocate to specialized room for disabled, regretfully, we can't promise it.

      If you've been hospitalized please inform the Dormitory Team.
      Can I invite guests?
      Yes, you can. You can invite them during the day, but your guests can't sleep in the dorm (nor day, nor night). You must notify us and receive a response from about your guests' arrival no later than 3 hours prior.

      Please, check possible current restrictions due to COVID before confirming a visit to your guest.
      Can my family/friends stay in my apartment for a night?
      Regretfully, we can't accommodate your family overnight [except married couples permanent accommodation], however, we can suggest you friendly hotels and give you informational support regarding LOI, visa, accommodation and registration.
      What if equipment got broken?
      1. Contact the Dormitory Head. You should attach the item description and origin of the situation, photo or video.
      2. In a few days commission will come to check what has happened.
      3. In case it is warranty case company will fix it for free.
      4. In case you broke it, or somebody else from your apartment, the commission will decide the amount of the compensation (all prices are listed in the Appendix to the Certificate of Transfer document. See here under 'booking paperwork'). Then you will have to fix the damage or buy the same new item. We follow to the principles of collective responsibility.
      Get support
      If you have any questions, need advice in choosing your accommodation or support in reserving a dormitory place, please contact the Skoltech Dormitory Team at, +7 915 350 05 34 (consider working hours).

      In case you are a current resident and have an emergency, contact Dormitory Head Irina Morozova at or at +7-963-6055025.