Reserve your room
Reservation requests for Palisad dormitories are accepted below
In order to reserve a spot at the Palisad dormitory, 1st year MSc and PhD students have to apply for accommodation no later than 4 weeks before your planned arrival at Skoltech. 2nd year MSc and PhD students have to apply no later than 3 weeks before arrival (shorter times are available in exceptional cases).

To reserve a space in the dormitory, do one of the following:

  • Send request to Dormitory Team by e-mail
  • Send a request via HelpDesk (if you have access to your Skoltech email account)
  • Book online below
Booking procedure
Prepare and send a booking request
Review the accommodation regulations, room options and instructions on how to book a spot. Prepare all the required information.
Submit a booking request
Fill out a booking form to send a request. Please note, sending a request does not yet confirm your resevation.
Pass assessments
You will receive an email confirming we've seen your request. The email will contain several assessments required for officially booking your spot in the dorms.
Get a booking confirmation and pre-arrival letter
After you complete all assessment, we will process your request (it may take some time). Once your request is booked, you will receive a checklist with the next steps and navigation advice a few days before check-in.
booking paperwork
Skoltech's current safety regulations require that all current students attending offline courses and living in the dormitories must be vaccinated (or provide a letter of guarantee that they will get vaccinated upon arrival), or have an official medical note of contraindications and be prepared to regularly provide negative PCR test results.
What you'll need to prepare before booking:

  • Exact arrival date & time
  • Exact departure date (in case it is earlier than the end of current study year)
  • Personal preferences (optional)
  • Special medical things like allergy, lunatism, epilepsia, apnoe, hard snore, OSD, brain- or heart-diseases – smth what we shall keep in mind while allocating student, etc. This information is needed to make sure we provide you with the best fit possible.
  • Acknowledgment of Accommodation Rules, Migration Rules and Internal Skoltech Rules
Documents needed for pre-booking:

  • Immediately after you complete the booking form below, please send scans of the following migration documents (your own and your family members' if they are arriving with you) to
    • passport (all non-blank pages in one file),
    • visa (if applicable),
    • a scan of your vaccination certificate, official note of contraindications or a letter of guarantee that you will get vaccinated,
    • migration card (if applicable),
    • previous registration slips (if applicable)
    • marriage certificate (in case of family accommodation)
IMPORTANT: only scans, each document to be named in the format: Surname_Name_name of document_valid period
(Example: Epiphanova_Marie_passport_27.07.2010-27.07.2035)
Documents needed upon check-in:
  • originals of migration documents (see previous step)
  • Sublease agreement
  • Certificate of transfer
  • PD consent
  • Consent to deduct penalties form
  • Documents for a medical check, including for all accompanying family members and pets.
    The list of documents and timeframes for their presentation depend on current epidemiological situation and are to be explained by Dormitory Team during reservation process.
  • Certificate of vaccination or a signed letter of guarantee that you will get vaccinated upon arrival
Now book!
Get support
If you have any questions, need advice in choosing your accommodation or support in reserving a dormitory place, please contact the Skoltech Dormitory Team at, +7 915 350 05 34 (consider working hours).

In case you are a current resident and have an emergency, contact Dormitory Head Irina Morozova at or at +7-963-6055025.